Currently Syndicating

These companies have a qualified Syndicate leading the investment.
Due diligence has been performed and deal terms have been reached.

Funding Now

Minimum investment varies

5 Companies Found.

Green Thumb Industries

Green Thumb Industries (GTI) is a technology platform that provides cannabis businesses with a central wholesale marketplace where they can manage their supply chain and purchase all of their eq...  more

Alula Hydronutrients, Inc

AlulaHydro provides a complete nutrient system for commercial cannabis. Growers who use our technology can increase their profits by 20% or more. Our system enables growers to use their existing...  more


The capital raise will help CapTrans apply for its money transmitter licenses to officially become a Money Services Business ("MSB").

Quark Distribution, Inc.

With distribution in 8 countries, we're the world’s #1 cannabis packaging supplier to consumers, dispensaries and smokeshops, having already sold over 4 million cannabis bags under our flagship ...  more

Green Thumb Industries

Green Thumb Industries (GTI) is a technology platform that provides cannabis businesses with a...  more

Alula Hydronutrients, Inc

AlulaHydro provides a complete nutrient system for commercial cannabis. Growers who use our te...  more


The capital raise will help CapTrans apply for its money transmitter licenses to officially be...  more

Quark Distribution, Inc.

With distribution in 8 countries, we're the world’s #1 cannabis packaging supplier to consumer...  more